Tahmedur's blog

Relation between software and information system and it's impact on digital world                                                                                                                                        INTRODUCTION
                                                                              In this era of computer technology people started from kids to aged everybody is much familiar with computers and its components. Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. Opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer, software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable part. And It’ will be very difficult for us to run our everyday life without using this.                                                                 
                                                                  Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. Opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer, software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable.                                                             Going to deep we mainly find two categories of software. First one is The System Software and the second one is the application Software. The System Software is that kind of computer program which is directly linked with computer hardware section. We can call it the interface. This controls the total internal operation .When we start out computer the interface which welcome us every time, is the best example of system software. Operating System (OS).  Windows 7, 8, 10, Linux! These all are the famous operating system we are using in our daily life. The total process between the hardware and the applications are done by the operating system. The Bios manages the flow of data to the hard drives and other plugged devices. Through the Boot program the (OS) get loaded into the (RAM).
Another one is the application Software which is basically designed for fulfilling the demands of different users.Because theme for this application is to solve any particular task. The apps we are using on a regular basis in our computer or mobiles are helping us to make our life easier. For example, if we need any information web browsers are always there. We can easily jump on that to find our desired information. If we need to type a thesis or to organize some office works the first thing will come into our mind to open the Microsoft Office applications. Feeling stressed!! Media player is always there for us. As we are using a tons of software applications also there are huge developing sector working behind where millions of experts are working for creating, modifying, and to develop thousands of applications, as their first priority is the users.

                                                                          This world is upgrading in every single minute. The information system is upgrading and besides the total software sector is growing rich. Software is creating a huge impact in this digital era. If we talk about the communication side, we can see the revolutionary change. No one need to wait for the typical letters anymore because we have gmail,facebook and other social communication applications software which help us to communicate with all other persons we know, no matter how far they are. If we pay attention in our transportation sector, the influence of software applications is implausible. An app named ‘Uber’ is all around. By using this software, we can easily call our transport which will take us to our destination. The application is so developed that you don’t need to think about the fair as well.Because the application program shows the fair before the trip started by considering the distance and the condition of roads. Here in Malaysia we can use ‘GRAB’ which is serving in the same way. Besides the Maps are playing a vital role. The entire navigation system is on it.   Banking is like butter smooth now a days. Online banking makes our life so easy that we don’t need to think about anything. We can pay through the apps also from any devices. When it is the matter of security there are “Fingerprint Scanner’, ‘Irish Scanner’ and the latest technology has already included which is ‘On Screen Fingerprint Scanner’ and these all are the outcomes of high-tech software programs. We can find software applications almost in every part, but the most enriched part is the education sector. There are thousands of apps where students can find their desired courses. ‘MATLAB’ ‘Solid Works’ ‘ can help any engineering student to boost up their skills. ‘Dr.JAVA’, ‘Code blocks’ and there are several software compilers where we can test our codes.                                                     
                                                                              In the bustling metropolis of 7 billion people, software has paved the way for an easier tomorrow. With new problems rising up every step of the way, software is the embodiment of solution in digital form. Starting from the most basic set of instruction to the most complicated deep learning algorithm, the fundamental function of software in the digital world is to simplify the ease of connectivity. Even the simplest utility-based program with limited functionality has an impact on the user interface. The primary basis of its establishment was to function as the bridge between a user and the machine but in 2019 it has a myriad of meaning. From learning the habits of the user to determining the course of a projectile satellite, its applications are endless.


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